Let’s Partayy!! Book Blogger Style

Where did the time go?! It seems I’ve been saying that a lot what with my son graduating from high school, Talk Supe turning 4, and my hair turning silver faster than I want/expect. I guess some things are inevitable and one can only hope that it was time well spent.
I read somewhere that nostalgia is a sign of growing old, so in an effort to suspend time even for just a bit, I won’t regale you with melancholic, throwback stuff. Allow me to say 
for your readership, your comments, your views, support, 
I appreciate it very much and I hope you’ll continue to do so for another 12 months at least.
Technically, June 12 Talk Supe‘s exact birthday, but I don’t want to wait that long to start the party. This year, I decided to do something different this year and celebrate the blogiversary in a simple manner compared to the previous years. And of course it won’t be complete without a…
Let me preface this giveaway by saying that there’s a possibility that I’ll add more prizes to the pot. So come back once in a while to check for any additions (I’ve been cramming so some of my confirmations are still pending),
and send a tweet or share it (pretty please!) while you’re at it. 
US Only
2 winners will get to pick three books from the pile below. These books are a mix of new, previously loved, one is signed, and an arc. PNR, erotica, erotica, romantic suspense, contemporary romance, YA, etc.
In no particular order, linked to Goodreads:
These books will come directly from the publisher

International Followers

Talk Supe

28 thoughts on “Let’s Partayy!! Book Blogger Style

  1. Happy Blogoversary, Braine! I just had my three year blogoversary, but I didn't do anything special (it was also my 20th anniversary with my hubby…)
    Thanks for hosting these amazing giveaways for your followers!
    I hope you'll be around for many more years of blogging. *hugs*
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  2. Congratulations, Braine! Can I just say that it's hard to believe you have a son graduating from high school! Wow. You're gorgeous! 🙂 Anyway, so glad to have found your blog and to connect with you! ❤

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